Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Project 365....

Day 1...Happy New Year !!!! Day 2....this is where we will be spending our Saturdays for the next couple of months.

Day 3......do you hear that ????? A quiet house :) I had the day at home "alone" to scrap !!!!

Day 4......hitting the slopes !!!

Day 5.....too tired to cook since it was our first day back to work/school. LOVE Chipolte !!!!!

Day 6.....where we go everyday :)

Day 7.....how I start my day.....EVERYDAY !!!!!!

Day 8.....here we go :)

Day 9.....girl scoiut meeting prep

Day 10....did some shopping

Day 11.......Happy Anniversary to us !!!

Day 12.......glorious rain !!!!

Day 13......ahhhh.....

Day 14......beautiful way to end the day......

Day 15..does it ever end ~

350 more days to go.......


Susan said...

great start Suzelle! keep going

Tracy said...

Suzelle with a BEER in her hand???
(great job on the photos...keep it going girl!)

Ramona said...

My favorite is the laundry pile!!! LOL! I have one of those permanently attached to my mudroom floor. Great job, Suzie! Keep it up! :)