What a GORGEOUS day in SF !!!! 75* and not a cloud in the sky !!!!

The DeYoung Museum. Love this big honkin safety pin :)

Goober :)
We just hung outside for the afternoon. Besides Santa Cruz, is there not a better place to people watch than Golden Gate park in SF !!!!

Aren't these a scream !!!!!!!!!!!

This was really a remarkable thing to see.....such history.

Love the shadow of Claire's eyelashes on her cheek. Soaking up the sun in SF :)

Long day, but so glad we went. Got to get these fun day trips in before school starts.
You 'Phunny Pharaohs'!!!!
golden gate park...(sigh)
I love that place
Looks like such a fun day trip! I haven't been to SF in over 25 years..now I wanna go back! Love that cute pic of Claire...so sweet!
Looks like a GREAT trip. LOVE you all in your King Tut hats. You are such good sports. I too love the shadow of Claire's eye lashes. She's so pretty. :)
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