He is so sweet and gentle. He really needs lots of love and food !!!!!! The kids just fell in love with him :)

It is so pretty out there right now......love all the green and snowy mtns in the distance. He is eating lots of grass and special food too, so he'll fatten up soon.

Me and Shorty.....you can see why his name is Shorty. He is a Paso Fino ....a short breed of horse, but very strong.

Claire riding. We'll take a saddle out...today was just bareback for fun.

Love this picture of Annie. I swear, I am waiting for her to talk. She has the most fun personality. We were eating Sun Chips and she wanted a bite too. John gave her one and she loved them.
Very sweet! I bet the kids were so excited! I love his name, "Shorty"! too cute!!
Beautiful! I'd love him too!
OH HOW DARLING!! He looks so soft & pretty. I know you & the kids are going to be happy to have this long weekend to spend as much time out there with him as possible. I showed this site to Audra--she wanted to call Claire immediately & tell her how excited she is about her new pet--but I said she needs to do her reading & get to bed early (she had her cousin over for a sleepover last night, so we're a bit tired around here tonight)
Happy Horsie Days!!
They look like they are in love!!! He is blessed to have a great family like yours!!!!! How fun!
how exciting Suz!
looks like the perfect size horse for John and Claire. Shorty is such a perfect name
I hope he settles in and fattens up quickly
Shorty is so CUTE! LOVING all the sunshine in your photos. :)
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