with the residents of Fig Garden Retirement Center !!!! Their activities director put in a request with the Girl Scout council to have troups come to their facility and play bean bag baseball. I jumped on this because I knew our troup would LOVE this and did they ever !!!! We went in November and they beat us BADLY.......22-6. So they "demanded" (nicely, of course) a rematch. We oblidged :) So our December meeting we made them wreaths and made our game plan......we lost yesterday :( ....18-11. But did we ever have FUN !!!!!!!! We played, sang and ate cookies. They want us back once a month, so we will definately do this.
This is what Christmas is all about.........
That is so sweet!!! I'm sorry that you lost tho. LOLOLOL!!!!!!! What a special thing to do...definitely what the season is all about. :)
Glad the girls enjoy doing this because I bet the residents look forward to their visits every month
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