We went to Sacramento for Chase's 4th birthday. What a cool water park man !!!!!!!! John loved the slides and low dive. Claire is hooked on the high dive. I got a MAJOR baby fix. Sweet Grant, my great nephew, fell asleep in my arms. I cannot tel you how good this felt :) John and the birthday boy had a ball !!!!
Great photos, Suzelle!! Love the baby sleeping shot--I love those kind of moments. Linda
looks like you had a blast...ohhhh and awwwweeee over that little bitty guy you were snuggled up with :)
That really looks like such a fun party and you had a great day too. Did you guys ahve the park to yourselves? It sure looked that way. :) Sweet photo of you and the baby! :)
It looks like a great day all around. Happy kids and a snuggly baby...what more could a girl ask for?????
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